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Parent / Carer Information

Supporting your young adult into the world of work and further education.

Prospects provides information and advice to help prepare your young adult/child for adulthood and working life.

Prospects Now-help for young people with jobs, training & apprenticeships

  • For further education, apprenticeship, and careers see Next Steps Information Links on home page.

Helping your child to search and apply for apprenticeship.

Parent_and_Carers-_Pack_June_2023.pdf (

Become an apprentice: How apprenticeships work – GOV.UK (

Job and apprenticeship vacancies

The National Careers service can offer extra support

The National Careers Service can provide information, advice and guidance to help make decisions on learning, training, and work.

National Careers Service – Warwickshire County Council,

Have you heard of the British Association for Supported employment? (BASE)

For information about Supported Employment

Warwickshire Local Authority support young people and adults with autism and learning disabilities with an aspiration to access work.

Warwickshire Supported Employment Service – Warwickshire Skills Hub

Transition guide for parents

Planning for adulthood for those with SEND – Warwickshire County Council


Easter Way, Ash Green,
Coventry, Warwickshire, CV7 9HP


024 7636 4200
